Does your Wisconsin house have mold?
Not only can mold damage your house… it can also make the people living there sick if it’s not taken care of.
At the same time, finding the mold and getting rid of it can be tedious and expensive.
At Stillwater Properties, we’ve helped a lot of homeowners deal with a lot of different problems, including mold.
And here are some of the steps we recommend taking…
Look For The Source of The Mold — Before you get help dealing with the mold, it’s useful to figure out where the mold is coming from and how bad the problem is. This will help you determine whether you need to hire an expert or whether you can take care of it yourself.
Clean What You Can — If you have a little mold problem, you can usually clean it with baking soda dissolved in water. But again, this is only effective for very small, localized amounts of mold.
Call a Professional — If you find that your mold problem is more than you can handle, then it’s best to call a mold professional for analysis and removal. This can be a pretty intense process that might even require you to leave your home for a little bit. The cost is usually between $600 and $5,000 depending on how bad the problem is.
Sell Your Home As-Is For Cash — Maybe you just don’t have the time or money to deal with the mold problem. In that case, you can sell to us at Stillwater Properties. We’ll pay cash for your home, buy it as-is, and we can even close in as little as two weeks. Give us a call at (608) 523-9807 to get your fair cash offer!